All PDf's of all lessons from this year, as well as the former 24 years may be found on our website. |
685 Nesbit Road - Nesbit, MS 38651 662-469-4499
Minister: Rick Popejoy: 405-428-2440
Minister: Rick Popejoy: 405-428-2440
Sunday AM Bible Class 9:00AM
Sunday AM Worship 10:00AM
Sunday PM Worship 6:00PM
Wednesday Bible Class 7:00PM
Sunday AM Worship 10:00AM
Sunday PM Worship 6:00PM
Wednesday Bible Class 7:00PM
What to expect when you visit:
- A warm and friendly welcome.
- Bible classes for all ages.
- Sermons and Bible classes full of Scriptures.
- The Gospel Plan of Salvation given clearly in every sermon.
- No teaching from dangerous translations such as the NIV.
- Worship that is simple and based on the authority of the New Testament (no mechanical instruments, for example).
- The Lord's Supper every Lord's Day.
- An invitation to come again!
Free Bible Lessons
Would you like to receive a free Bible Correspondence Course? We will send you the first part of the course, and you can send your completed assignment back to us. We will then send you the next part of the course. Those who complete the course will receive a certificate of completion. The course is simply a non-denominational study of God's Word. If interested, please contact us, and specify that you want to take the free Bible course. If you live in our area, we would also love to meet with you to study God's Word in person!